
Monday, 29 October 2007

I will let you down

my sort of Socialist Party

I have got no follow through. I get bored easily you see. I start things that I never complete. I've always been this way. As a child my bedroom was filled with half made Lego houses and Airfix models with no wings. The fact that WellDoneFillet is still going is just amazing to be honest. I really did expect to get bored with it after a few weeks. It wouldn't have surprised me if it had been dumped in the corner along with all the other things I couldn't be arsed with anymore. Things like:

  1. Socialism. I tried Socialism for about 7 or 8 weeks back in ought 3. It wasn't the socialism itself that bored me rigid but Socialists and specifically the Socialists from the Socialist Workers Party. Fuck me with a hardback edition of Das Kapital were those kids dull. Now the dullness I could actually deal with, dialectical theories aren't meant to be a laugh a minute I assume, it was the constant smugness and the "we are right they are wrong" attitude that forced me out. I wasn't actually forced out, I just didn't go back. The party itself was stuffed full of well meaning kids who had a genuine interest in the world but was ruled by some seriously egomaniacal types. And only their brand of Socialism was right. I attended a number of Anti-War rally's, Trade Union protests and open meetings were members of other Socialist groups were present. You remember that scene from THE LIFE OF BRIAN? "Are you the Judean People's Front? Fuck off! What? Judean People's Front. We're the People's Front of Judea! Judean People's Front. Cawk. Wankers." Well that's what they were like. It was like arguing that your shit was better than someone else's shit. Bored me all the way to my local Gap shop.....
  2. Photography. I tried photography for a while too. I bought a really sweet camera, bought about 15 books, took a night class (which I didn't complete), spent a fortune on gadgets, lenses, filters, paper, chemicals, changing bags, tripod, and all sorts of crap that is now in the loft. The camera itself is in a river in a jungle in Thailand. I don't want to talk about it. I was a really really bad photographer. I mean terrible. My fingers were the star's of many of my shots. If anything came out well it was by accident rather than design. Photography cost me a fortune. I got out of it before I sold the couch for film.....
  3. Being Married. Not strictly speaking my fault, well not entirely my fault. I gave it a go for a couple of years but it wasn't for me. Clearly being married to me wasn't for her either. In the years after our divorce I asked her why she got fed up with me and the first thing she said was, "I hated that you never learnt to drive."
  4. Learning to drive. HOW BORING IS THAT! Oh my God it's just so dull! My driving instructor clearly agreed as we spent most of my lessons playing the role of South Park characters. Seriously, that made it bearable but not enough for me to keep doing it. And it was costing a fortune to go for a drive pretending to be Cartman. Cars and driving have never interested me but I took lessons because that's what adults are meant to do. For that reason alone it had to go...
  5. Going off the fags. The last time I tried to stop smoking I lasted 6 hours. Those were the worst six hours of my life, and Little Miss Manuel's life, and the kids that called to my house collecting money for charity. I got the patches, the pretend plastic jobbie, the books, the minging chewing gum, all the crap one has to get to go off the smokes. Awful. Not doing that again in a hurry...
  6. Badge Making. I bought a badge making machine thingy a few years ago. I made badges from when I got up until I went to bed. Then one day I just stopped. I just stopped making badges. I never made a badge again. I can barely even look at a badge anymore. So many memories, so many tears......
  7. Going to the gym. Who the hell was I kidding? I bought membership, bought the gear, bought water, so much water, bought a gym bag, God I even bought wristbands. Oh the horror! I went for about 4 weeks. Then I started to find excuses not to go. I knew LMM would give up mithering me to go in the end. It was just too hard and cutting into my sitting time. I love a good sit........
  8. The Waiter, Can You Wait?. You are going to have to. Oh yes it's over. Far too much like hard work. Was going to write one last episode where they all got killed in a bus crash but couldn't be bothered. Meh what you gonna do?
This list was supposed to have ten entries but you guessed it I just couldn't be bothe..............

30 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Jenny said...

FINE. Can you call Unidentifed Wrestler the winner then?

I'm kinda greedy like.

ellie said...

I can tick the "started but failed" box for marriage, gym attendance and learning to drive, all three of which were expensive pains in the arse!
Although I have never known anyone to start badge making let alone give up on it!

Anonymous said...

its a shame about the photography (and ray) - sounds like you got into it before digital became properly affordable - analogue photography sounds lovely and romantic, but digital just works - judgin by you potato-shop skills on here you would have been suited to that as well.

Got any kit you wanna sell?

Fair fucks to you on this blog when you started i was amazed at the output - i thought that there is no way you can keep this up - but fair play lad this is a seriously high level of output.

My photography has taken a major back seat due to work but i'm hoping there may be something else in the pipeline - looking back over the pic-of-the-days i'm kinda sad i couldn't continue that

Anonymous said...

I tend to either persist with things or realise I'm not really serious in the first place and not start. Absolutely agree about socialism though - I'm a die-hard socialist and I was politically active for a few years but jesus, as you say the self-righteous, pedantic wankers you come across just drove me away. Nowadays my political gestures are strictly non-organised, privately-motivated ones where I don't have to obsess about the party line.

tallulahbloom said...

Badge making?? What kind of badges?

Anonymous said...

Ah, don't even chat to me about the socialists... no, seriously, don't.

Popular Peoples Front rule!

Mudflapgypsy said...


I would say we are quite similar in some ways, though I can drive, marriage to Mrs M has worked so far ( tried 8yrs together first and found it amenable )and photography is my thing but then again, it is the only thing I am any good at.

The blog is ace, man. Keep it up. I too am wowed by the quality and quantity.

Oh, Toast, I disagree with your comment about photography. It matters not what the method of recording light is if the final result is crap it's crap.

Blog comment hijack now over.

Anonymous said...

Driving lessons had a smiliar effect on me except my instructor always had the radio station tuned to Dutch soft rock classics - it very almost drove me insane.

I cannot believe you pubically announced that you own wristbands hehe

Caro said...

My first driving instructor once made me do a detour by his house to get some headache tablets. Not very supportive behaviour towards someone who had narrowly escaped death four times in the previous hour.

savannah said...

well, sugar, i wouldn't worry about any of it myself! you're like a dealer, you know we'll all keep coming back anyway for anything and everything you have to offer. your words are just that addictive ;-)

Anonymous said...

I got tired (not bored, mind) reading it so can easily understand that it took a long time.

I suggest you write your next blog entry against the clock with LMM standing behind you complete with racing gear. You have 30 minutes to write your entry (or until LMM gets bored, whichever happens first).

Upset Waitress said...

I never finish anything I start. I can't even finish a meal. I did finish high school though.

Fresh Hell said...

That's a whole lot of not following through, darlin'. Sadly, I'm in the same boat with my very own list of things things and toys that I become bored with and toss aside. And there is an embarrassingly long list of men in that category.

Manuel said...

Boxer: Done.....sort of.....saying that the bodis of Old Fnudsen and Mauve were never found.....who knows?

Ellie: That's me Ellie, badge making and marriage!

Toast: I have tons of 35m film, expired. Everything else I dumped into Oxfam just to get shot of it. I have plenty of books left though. But I'm guessing you don't need the beginners guide to photography. Picture of the day was great and really showed MCR in a fantastic new way.....

Manuel said...

Nick: with regards to Socialism and politics in general I'm with you in the same way. Depressing when you think about it, you want to get active and do the right thing but the LEADERS are just so fucking off putting.

Tallulahbloom: Everything from mates bands to films, to abstract stuff to "whacky" slogans....

Sheepo: I was ther outside Primark/McD's shaking a bucket and organising petitions. So embarrassing now that I think back.....

Flappers: Thanks man, Mrs Flappers is a very lucky woman.....

Manuel said...

Conortje: With logos on them too, a heavy metal band, who shall remain nameless. Oh the humanity....

Caro: Hahahahahaha that's brilliant....

Savannah: Settle petal, you'll have me believing my own hype. Hey nothing ventured nothing gained.....

BBB: It was just too much.....

Upset Waitress: Maybe it's like a flaw we share, that's how we both ended up waiting tables.....

Fresh Hell: Sometimes I cant even finish responding to comme.....

Megan McGurk said...

Socialists are the smuggest fuckers on the planet and all talk about it like a religious conversion just like the jeebus freaks.
I love a good sit as well, Manuel.
The Waiter was fun while it lasted but no sense making your blog a chore.
Have a good week.

Manuel said...

Medbh: I hate being tied to a schedule, I get enough of that at work so why would I do it to myself.....

Anonymous said...

booo but driving is so fun! and who needs an instructor, it's all about trial and error. i mean, you win some, you kill some. (eeh haha juuust kidding).

Manuel said...

Angela: Crazy! I'm bad enough on my bicycle let alone behind a car!

Anonymous said...

Sheepworrier - the Popular Peoples Front are rubbish. All power to the Democratic Peoples Front!

Conor - pubically announced?? Did I miss something?

The Little Cheese said...

Meh, I understand. I mean, just look at my blog recently - proper lip service going on there...

Tony said...

Well, at least on having a interesting blog you can't check failed... was tagged with the Thinking Blogger Award, and part of the acceptance is to "tag" 5 more blogs with it. I continually find myself drawn to read your blog, so I chose it as one of my favorite 5.

By the way, being American, "laying off the Fags" just totally cracks me up!

Unknown said...

There was also that Trevor White drama you dropped. Possibly due to something shiny you saw in the distance?

Manuel said...

Nick: Well spotted, I really must start reading these comments more thoroughly...

The Little Cheese: Quality not quantity. I go for the latter....

Tony: Cheers Tony.....I'm sucking a fag right now....hehehe and my girlfriends right here....

YoYo: Shhhhhhhhhh no one else noticed that it was four days and not a week....And for the record I just got really really bored....

Anonymous said...

Re the "socialists" - I just can't abide their strident black and white posters... even when they slap a token bit of red on them. It's like colour is caspitalistic. Boring fuckers, with their endless arguments over who killed whatshisname in Mexico. Trots we called them in the old days, and of course they're all to the right of the neo-cons now.

Manuel said...

Conan: Yes comrade...

Niall said...

i hope you dont extend your laziness to LMM? poor girl.

Manuel said...

Niall: She is very well satisfied.....

Anonymous said...

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