
Friday 21 September 2007

Democracy, shemocracy

Democracy is very overrated, it gave the world G.W. Bush, Margaret Thatcher (milk snatcher), Tony Blair, and Bertie Ahern! I am your Fidel, get me a cigar and a nice tracksuit please. So with that in mind today I reveal the newest blog in my growing blog nursery....

I am fuping delighted with how that turned out

So the two people that voted for that name should reveal themselves and bask in their glory!

With this site I intend to post all the news and views that surround the Irish Hospitality Industry, an industry that is worth billions in Ireland as a whole. The change of political circumstances in the North has seen tourist figures grow and grow over the last five years to unprecedented figures. More money is being spent in bars and restaurants now than ever before, despite the smoking bans. Restaurants open and close in a heartbeat these days. They all want your hard earned cash, the waiters certainly do, so how can you chose the right one? WhatTheWaiterKnows will bring all the reviews into one place, both the positive and negative thus making easier for you to make the best decision!

It's not quite finished as I have more links to add, actually a lot more links to add. But as the number of posts grow so will the amount of reviews and information. Visit it, and let me know what you think. Bookmark, link, subscribe and you'll never miss a review again....

Keep adding your favourite restaurants
now for blog number 4 hehehehehehe

10 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Megan McGurk said...

I will most certainly link and Mazel Tov on the new blog, Manuel!

Jenny said...

I am a little worried about Blog Baby 2. You seem to be going a little "Britney Spears" here and leaving it with the Nanny or a random security guard.

Of, and of course, congrats on your 3rd. Poor thing.

tallulahbloom said...

It loooks splendid!!

ellie said...

Great work Manuel. Looks excellent. Have linked you. Good luck

Is it just me? said...

I'll link it straight away.
I didn't vote for this title but now I see it, I like it.

Everyone knows the waiter is always right!


Anonymous said...

Im phoning the RSPCC...

congrats tho.

Manuel said...

Calm down calm down eh. Blog baby number 2 is enjoying a little break but will return this weekend. It had to go away and find itself. Rumours that it has been abandoned are unfounded...

Old Knudsen said...

Check out my newborn, just for you.

Manuel said...

There are no words, just laughter a lot of laughter......

Anonymous said...

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