
Tuesday, 24 July 2007

What a fantastic idea! But why stop there Gordon?

Gordon "The Dandy Highwayman" Brown
Fuck the poor lets eat Swans!

Son of the Manse, as we are constantly told, and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has struck upon a great idea to... well actually I don't know why he is doing it. But he plans to reduce the minimum wage in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the north east of England. That would be everywhere except most of England. Fuck knows what the Geordie's have done to piss him off.

The minimum wage is currently set at the princely sum of £5.35! I know I know it's far too much! You should see the poor where I live, it's all Mercedes and BMW's. I myself have not one but 2 bicycles. Bourgeois bastard! You have to queue for caviar and don't even think about trying to get a decent bottle of bubbly unless you order in advance.

But seriously, what? Reduce the minimum wage? Make it smaller? Less money? Jesus Gordon if you are going to reduce it from
£5.35 why not just do away with it all together you fat greedy hypocrite. By taking money out of the hands of those of us on the bottom run of the wage ladder you are effectively putting it back into the hands of the very rich. Like some sort of twisted Robin Hood.

But why stop there Gordon? Why not put our income tax up too? Or whilst your at it if you fancy a bit of "blue sky thinking" why not force us to clean the gardens of the rich or wash their cars, voluntary of course! When wages in the North of Ireland are 16% lower than the rest of the UK it makes great sense to help lower this. Fingers crossed we can get it down to 20% lower than the rest of the country next year. And it's not just the wages Gordon that could be reduced. Here are some other figures for you peruse whilst you rub yourself with Fillet Mignon. There are 350,000 people living in income poverty in Northern Ireland, lets get that up to a nice round half million. There are 100,000 children living in income poverty in Northern Ireland, spoilt bastards lets get that number up and whilst you are at it take their PlayStation off them too. There are 50,000 pensioners living in income poverty in Northern Ireland. Come on Gordon that's easy, lets just turn their heat off!

Gordon Brown you sir are a cunt for even thinking this out loud.

"...from man to pig and from pig back to man, they find that they are unable to tell the difference."

Socialist my arse.

16 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Megan McGurk said...

Well, he didn't waste any time in sucking up to the rich to punish the poor, did he? Not only are houses priced out of the reach of working people in Northern Ireland, now they won't even be able to pay their rent.
The fucker.

Manuel said...

Medbh: The fat piggy earns...wait for it...£187,611 a year as Prime Minister. That's an increase of over 50k since he took over from Tone. Nice....

Fresh Hell said...

It sounds an awful lot like Gordy is the lovechild of the douchebag brothers: Bush and Cheney. Savage bastards! I bet they'll get along fine.

An aside... Gordo is spanish for fat.

tallulahbloom said...

"the Labour Party will put the community first and the sectional interests of private business after" from the 1945 Labour Party Election Manifesto. This Labour government should be ashamed but they are too busy getting rich and scoring free holidays.

Fat Sparrow said...

Yes, it's always a brilliant idea to cut the minimum wage at a time when housing, food, and fuel costs are skyrocketing in the areas of the proposed cut.

It really doesn't have anything to do with Socialist vs. Capitalist, it comes down to common sense. Governments, whether socialist or capitalist, don't seem to realize that when poor people get money, they turn right around and put it back in to the economy, which benefits everybody. They're not earning interest on it or stuffing it under a mattress, they're spending it on items that the middle- and upper-classes take for granted, like extra food, or maybe even a video rental or some extra clothes and school supplies for the kids. And part of that money is returned to the government in the form of taxes, so really, everyone benefits.

In a scam/scheme like the one Brown is proposing, the only ones to benefit will be businesses and other corporations. Even assuming that Brown is a crypto-capitalist, anyone can see that in the long run, it will only make businesses suffer, because who is going to buy your products when people don't have spare money? And, when people don't even have money for the basics, the government has to step in and give aid, and that's after they've reduced their tax base by cutting wages.

There's a lot of correlations between economics and belief-based religious systems, and Brown is crossing the line by engaging in wishful thinking. Save it for church, old chap.

Mudflapgypsy said...

I was under no illusions that the fat scot would be any better than his predecessor. This is a low move indeed. The pressure form his puppetmasters must be intense.

Ms Robinson said...

Yes this is the man that has said he will conduct a review into the fact that Private Equity thieves pay as little as 10% tax. So don't hold your breath. Him and his Millibands are basically going to do what the City wants and that is squeeze the little people. You see this big corporate types have the stick that if Gordon sticks it them they will leave London. Now you and I know they won't but it's convenient for him not to do anything about them not paying tax and fucking destroying companies as Permira did with the AA.

Oh now I wish I'd had a greater pop at fucking investment bankers on my blog. They annoyed me last night and I was too kind to them.

fofufou said...

"why not force us to clean the gardens of the rich or wash their cars, voluntary of course!"

When can you start?

Manuel said...

Fresh hell: The brothers Grim....

Tallulahbloom: Self interest it's all that matters...

Fat Sparrow: That's what gets me the most, why hit the areas that need the help the most? And outside of Northern Ireland all Labour "strongholds". There'll be no riots on the streets of Surrey. Well said Fat Sparrow

Mudflapgypsy: Welcome, When Tesco shout "jump"....

Ms Robinson: Paying less than the cleaners that clean their 15th floor offices. Grrrrrrrrr, might go into town and shout at the GAP....

Manuel said...

Lord Milky: Just as soon as I get back from mill.....

fofufou said...

"There'll be no riots on the streets of Surrey."

Surrey is always a target for the easy jibe. It gets right on my tits. I don't deny it has its commuter belt, and millionaires estates, but have you ever been to Durand, Roundshaw, (areas of) Croydon, Redhill etc.? They are just as ghastly as every other place where the poor are to be found.

There is indeed a higher average income in the areas around London, but it is just that - an average. The bottom numbers will equal those of everywhere else. Last time I checked, you don't get London Weighting on your benefits.

Manuel said...

Lord Milky: One meant no offence to the good people of Surrey. I picked Surrey at random just to highlight that the Saff of England wouldn't be effected by Gordo's pans. I hope now that your tits are returned to their normal state....

big gay al said...

Someone ought to do a thatcher ...... and take lord milky away.

anywho never fear, reg empey's on the case!

Momentary Madness said...

...hang on a minute I'm just finishing off a piece of cake Gordon sent where was I, yes..... Off with their heads...the Bastards!
Y;-) Paddy

Manuel said...

Big Gay Al: I just got that, took a moment. Thatcher Thatcher Lord Milky Snatcher! Leave our Milky alone....

Paddy: How you doing? I'm sure it was a KFC Vieneta.....

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