Non-smoking cause irritability
There are only 9 days left to savor the unique "joy" of having a smoke indoors in a public place. What you going to do? There are no arguments you can put forward with any real conviction or moral rectitude that can possibly win this one. Some battles are lost before they start. The advice, the evidence is all around "Smoking Kills", "Smoking harms you and others around you", and my personal favourite "Smoking causes a slow and painful death". Ouch! My current tobacco even warns me of the danger to my sperm! I know! I know its a shity stinking filthy habit. Its KILLS! Yet I still like a smoke as do lots and lots of others.
I'm not going to mither on about the ban, its upon us and there you go. I was pretty sanguine about it when it was announced but the closer it gets the more I'm turning into a spoilt brat about the whole thing. But, as I say, its coming and I'll just have to suck it up (no pun intended). But I swear to the little baby Jesus the next non-smoking bastard that comes up to me when I'm having a crafty, quiet fag and says in that smug as fuck "we won you lost" sort of way "So what you going to do next month..." and then babbles on about not smelling like an ash tray etc is going to get their teeth smashed in with one of those 1970's style big heavy glass ashtray's. Cunts.
Smug bastards are really getting on my tits. Smokers get real cranky when they cant smoke and it gets elevated when people take the piss. Expect more, much more of this in the next few weeks. Oh and this bull about it protecting the rights of people who work in bars etc is just that, bullshit. Not in my name! And this poster is just desperate...

14 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Smoking pets is just what the world needs actually... why does the government never think of stuff like this?
Its the man putting an end to the great british tradition of the smoke break. I gave up heroin, huffing petrol and cutting meself in public, this is going too far.
damn it, that cont beat me to first place, first the smoking and now this.
Someone said to me once - and it seemed stupid at the time but as the politicions say: on mature reflection - "you'll have to stop when you're dead so you might as well stop now". Ahhhh! I loved a cup of tea and a smoke after me dinner; Major believe it or not, but later on I switched to Carroll's, the Major were a coffin nails. Y:-) Paddy
PS: now and again i would 10 Sweet Afton: they were a classic weed indeed!
Awhhh shite, been 6 weeks off the fags and I read this and I feel like a traitor, I love smoking yet for 6 weeks I have tortured myself without a fag.
I can no longer afford to smoke and my daughter gives me hell about it yet I really want to stand up and be counted as a smoker the closer it comes to enforcing the ban.
Screwed that one up.
What's the world coming to? People not being able to afford to smoke anymore. It's a fucking disgrace.
Let me know your address Ellie and I'll send you some fags.
We've had no smoking in the other half of Ireland for a couple of years now and it's great. It's really weird going to other countries and seeing people smoke while you eat.
The ban is hard at first, but it'll be worth it in the end.
Good luck!
Serioulsy I can live with the ban. Its the fucking smuggness of the non-smokers that is pissing me off. I dont like losing. I'm a bad loser and really do want to punch one of them...
Mariead - shouldn't it be the other way round? Weird watching people eat while you smike.
Connard (he he he): I agree but think of all the outrage, not worth it
Old K: Smoke breaks will survive, they will just take longer as we will have to shuffle our way round to the back of the building lest we "upset" some cunt.
Paddy:mmmmmmmajor, ah thers a smoke, sweet afton, park drive, mens smokes. Noe of your Marlboro Light shite here
Ellie: Stay strong, but you are either with us or not. No half way house or second hand smoking allowed anymore.
Troika: we could start a charity and help those who cant afford to buy smoke anymore. Oh wait the provos already have what with all the smuggling.
Mairead: I love other countries. Cant wait to go on my hols and smoke like a big bloody train everywhere!
Anyone remember the Ballymoney DisnaeLand* that was the 'causeway safari park' and the smoking monkeys - think how those poor divils would have suffered under this ban - its no wonder that they will eventually rule the earth
Rule the earth!! For a moment i thought you meant people from Ballymoney. Now that would have been bad...
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