
Sunday 8 March 2009

They can fuck right off.....and stay there and whilst fucking off they can take the politicians with them.

From the BBC

Two military personnel have been shot dead during a gun attack at an Army base in County Antrim, police said. A spokesperson added that two further military personnel and two civilians, all believed to be male, were taken to hospital in a serious condition. The incident took place at the Massereene Army base in Antrim, 16 miles north of Belfast, at 2140 GMT. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence described the shooting as a "drive-by" attack.
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Oh fucking tremendous. Just as the tiny glimmer of hope that we had turned a corner and life was going to be a little less shitty than it had been was flickering perilously in the cold financial wind of late , the old men, probably in young bodies, in a murderous instance, have dragged us back to the heinous dark ages of the recent past and possibly snuffed out our little glimmer of hope.

They can fuck right off. They aren't wanted, they aren't needed, they have no support and all they will do is fill coffins and destroy hope. And will the death of these poor unfortunates free Ireland, whatever the fuck that means? I very much doubt it.

Fuck right off - no one wants you, no one needs you.

Post Curry Update @ 1.30am following a comment by chum Medbh...

It's a failure of the politicians making and by extension those of us who continue to vote these useless idiots back in time and time and time again.The murderous gangs only feel free to operate by exploiting the tensions that exist between the parties that tends to feed to the ordinary populous.

We need a revolution alright.....but not one of physical force or violence, unless booting the idiots out of power counts as violence, we need a true political revolution.

It's true some people never wanted to quit with the murder and the trappings of associated with it, their lives and very being was and is defined by their positions within these shady fucking groups. And despite what some politicians say they are exactly the same. They built their careers on weasel words and cliched responses. But what do they ever do that practically changes the status quo for the good of the working population?

Nothing, fuck all that's what. Sunday will be a day of cliches and pointless and wasted words. And yet two people will be dead and we as a society will retreat into our default positions of green and orange.

I am as depressed as I am angry....

34 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

belfast cabby said...

This is the last thing any of the people of this island want Why is there always a handfull of arseholes

Manuel said...

belfast cabby: it beggars belief......and now the politicians, who have failed us, will be dusting off the same tired useless would be so very easy for shit to slip back.....time to stand up to these thugs and to move on for real.......

belfast cabby said...

I have kids who where born after all this stoped cant think how i will explain why this happened if i am asked tomorrow!

Manuel said...

belfast cabby: I work with kids who have no idea about any of idea at all! it's so utterly depressing......saturday night? why you not trawling the streets?

belfast cabby said...

Wifes drives cab as well its just my turn to sit in and babysit wish i was out there instead of her. they used taxi in the attack. my nerves are recked.

Manuel said...

belfast cabby: aye....not cool man.....just like the old days eh...

Anonymous said...


Manuel said...

psychoknitter: yes.....but so utterly predictable......

Megan McGurk said...

Will this hard man bullshit never fucking die out?
How far do a dude's knuckles have to hang to fall for this outrageous brand of masculinity?

savannah said...

i read the bbc article! i pray the maniacs who did this are caught quickly and the madness ends before it begins again. keeping good thoughts for all ya'll, sugar! xoxo

stay safe!

Manuel said...

medbh: it's a failure of the politicians making and by extension those of us who continue to vote theses useless idiots back in time and time and time again.

The murderous gangs only feel free to operate by exploiting the tensions that exist between the parties that feeds to the ordinary populous.

We need a revolution alright.....but not one of physical force or violence, unless booting the idiots out of power counts as violence, we need a true political revolution.

it's true some people never wanted to quite, their lives and very being was and is defined by their positions within these shady fucking groups. and despite what some politicians say they are exactly the same. They built their careers on weasel words and cliched responses. But what do they ever do that practically changes the status quo for the good of the working population?

Nothing, fuck all that's what. Sunday will be a day of cliches and pointless and wasted words. And yet two people will be dead and we as a society will retreat into our default positions of green and orange.

I am as depressed as I am angry....

Manuel said...

savannah: christ I hope really is a time for cool heads.....

Bock the Robber said...

Great. That's exactly what we need. More fucking killers.

Manuel said...

bock: ahem......they hadn't gone away you know.....

Bock the Robber said...

True. The management took a pension, but the general operatives are still busy, minus a brain.

Silverstar said...

They are fucking everywhere. I keep hoping we will breed them out of the population, but there always seems to be a few. Here's hoping it will be different this time.

Manuel said...

bock: for some people it was just impossible to give up. One day they had a flash military title the next they were just bob or billy or sean. They just couldn't give it up.....

Manuel said...

silversatr: bredd em out? fucking put them their ears

Bock the Robber said...

It's very simple. We voted for peace and these people don't accept the democratic will of the people. Therefore, they are outside the democratic process and should be crushed without mercy.

What bit of that is hard to understand?

Manuel said...

bock: yes, yes we did but we entrusted that peace, and the furthering of it, to the same incompetent idiots who we entrusted to get us out of the "troubles". And lets be clear here the peace, as it was, was secured by the people not the politicians. As a population we had moved on before they did. They reacted to the will and the mood of the people not the other way round. These same personalities simply cant deliver the long lasting peace that is required for this part of the country to grow. They are too entrenched in their old ways to move us forward.

Out with the failed politics and out with those who practice fail fail....

Anonymous said...


I just read about this. I hope they get those guys, and whoever is supporting them.

I don't pretend to know what you folks went through or what you are goung throughnow, so the only "advice" I'm going to share is about the politicians. In our last election, I picked the ones that every one agreed had the least experience in DC and voted for them. I figured it was the ones with the experience that got us into this shithole we are in and I want nothing to do with them anymore.

Barlinnie said...

For fuck sake.. are we back to this shite yet again?

Haven't we had enough yet?

supersimbo said...

Dude, i feel your anger, frustration.
Yesterday my wife & i went to Belfast, to do a bit of shopping, hang out, we love what Belfast is becoming, has become. On the way there i was ranting on about the latest part of Van Morrison's Bio that iv just read, the description of war-torn Belfast in 1972. We were talking thankfully about how we can live without fear now, why our parents didn't just leave back in the day when this all started up etc etc

had a great day, ate great food, came home, watched the football & the THIS SHIT appears before us on the news!!!

im not sure what else to say, except that if we go back to the chaos we will seriously consider walking, waving goodbye to the sad sad idiots who want to tramp all over this country. The terrorists, politicians, religious leaders? they have all screwed us up the ass for too long

Anonymous said...

It's weird... for all the mention of the word 'revolution', people are quiet to suggest methods of change - it's a pretty vast undertaking, taking down the fatcats. The problem is nepotism I think,dozy uneducated fuckers getting in on the basis that their uncle says it's ok.

Then they have to spend thousands hiring consultants for every piddling little decision they have to make because they're too thick to think for themselves.

It's the people that don't vote that get us into this, meaning the same people get the seats by automatic default!!!

You're dead right, violence ain't the way, but what's so wrong with vigilante groups where these shooters are concerned?

Toast said...

but what's so wrong with vigilante groups where these shooters are concerned?

everything.... just about everything that could be wrong with an idea is wrong with that.

2 days ago an anouncement is made that more SAS and mi5 are going to be undercover and then, almost immediately, this... its a big big worry.

*goes off to listen to 'johnny was'*

The Hangar Queen said...

I remember in school listening to a teachers tell us how everyone remembered where they were when they heard the first soldier had been killed back in the 60s.

According to him ,people (in the deep south now) were stunned and were driving to work like it was a funeral procession.How quickly that gave way to the decades of madness that followed.

It all seemed to be happening so far away though.As a kid it seemed that N.I. was some distant land where bad things happened.

Then I grew the fuck up.Went there and encouraged others to (including a dozen yank relatives who were a tad reluctant to say the least),made friends and rejoiced in it's recovery.

Now I'm heartbroken.Seriously.

With all due respect to the families of the dead and wounded I don't want to remember this day as another beginning.

Anonymous said...

I just read on what happened. I am not in the know over here but I hope there is no more continuation of senseless stupidity of a few people.Going back to the 70's and 80's would be horrible.

Anonymous said...

sad. hoping it was isolated and not the beginning of a return to violence for ireland.

but i cringe everytime i hear of churches burning in the southern US, or of a gay man beaten to death or school shootings... hoping like hell it's not a 'beginning'...

Anonymous said...

What brave, brave men they must be to gun down unarmed young lads. How proud they must be.

I imagine the Loyalist paramilitaries will use this as an excuse to take retaliatory action in the name of "defending Ulster".
I've seen a lot of late night helicopter surveillance over the last few months out my way which never was the case before.

Barlinnie said...

I have family both sides of the wire.. It's a worrying time for all.

Manuel said...

jimmy: it's shit mittens time for sure.....

Anonymous said...

This fucking cycle has been stoked by every generation. You get the rabid murder and mayhem apologists who eventually tire of their lives in safe houses, become (ahem) politicians, and then a new bunch of re-branded gangsters start killing for a living.

Old shinner pots calling the new kettles black. They can fuck the fuck right off.

Anonymous said...

Little to no support or sympathy among republican communities, extremely small membership, low on arms and funding, widespread dissention within its own ranks, and now committing atrocities which will bring British security services directly down on them with a vengance... what the fuck were they hoping to achieve with such cowardly murders!?

Anonymous said...

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