
Sunday, 6 July 2008

With apologies to Fat Mammy Cat...

Motivation for fat waiters and possibly fat waiters chums.
(brazenly pilfered from Fat Mammy Cat for one day only.)
awh bless their little black socks
not for me though, not today....

Monday - worked, the Kylie crowd is a funny crowd. Thin and fantastically dressed but boy can they eat, helps with all the champers and fizzy plonk they get through.

Tuesday - off. Blogged, slept and ate. It was a good day.

Wednesday - worked. Graduations. Graduations make me wanna stab myself with the stabbing fork. It's more than a touch ironic that almost every table was late, the latest being a whole fucking 90 minutes. I'd have thought that such smart cookies would have the ability and gumption to inform the waiters who were pulling the hair out of their baldy heads with the stress of it all about such delays. Booking sheets had to be re-written time and time again. It was like a game of chess and I'm shite at chess.

Thursday. - worked. See above but with lunch service thrown in and no break.

Friday - worked. As above but busier, later, and over excited Americans thrown into the crazy Friday mix too.

Saturday - didn't work. Went to the gym and ran 15k and then hit the bag for an hour or two. Cant even type that with a straight face. Saturday's off are as rare as hens teeth in this game. So when one gets a Saturday off one must embrace it with both hands and go crazy. Or as crazy as a lardy 35 year old waiter with a penchant for sitting and lounging can get. So with that in mind we headed off to the Saturday market at St. George's. My that's a veritable hippy fest! There were more hippies, veggies, greens, Guardianistas, bike riders, carbon off setters, kids called Jack and Maisy (and a fair smattering of Blossoms too no doubt), tofu burgers, and hemp wearers than I'd ever seen before in one place outside of Glastonbury. And it was tremendous. We have been before but not in a very long time. I have little to no self control at these sort of events at the best of times but today I was at my most irrational/impulsive best buying olives, cheese, meat, handcrafted bags (x2), sauces, tapenades, and other oddities like it was all new to me. Seriously if you offered me a cracked tin of Heinz Beans over a market stall and told me it was made by blind monks in a German abbey I'd buy them. That cant be good can it?

From the earthy goodness of St. George's Market we headed to the much more hedonistic surroundings of the Victoria Centre. There was much money spent and many things bought. Later we headed to Ginger for dinner. Were much food was consumed and wine drunk. I cant say this for certain as I'm writing this post having just come home from town and before we head out. It's scheduled to go out later. But I will be disappointed if I'm sober when you read this. In fact I will be heartbroken if I'm not currently boring some poor chap I met in the toilet about the wonder that is Ginger Bistro (check out the review section, proudest moment of my life). That doesn't sound good either does it? But a night out with Manuel and Little Miss Manuel is never dull. Strangers will be ahoyed, spoken to, and set free sometime later. I love Saturday's at work But Saturday nights off are the best......

So to recap, I ran nowhere. I hit nothing. I flexed nothing nor lifted anything other than a shopping bag. I did nothing that required sweating or "pushing through the wall." I ate, I drank, I was merry!

Now that's motivation!

15 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Anonymous said...

See. It's true what they say. No pain - no pain.

Silverstar said...

That sounds like a lot of work to me, going to market and buying things, then carting them around. But at least you had good food and drink at the end of it.

The Mistress said...

Off topic but I simply must tell you about last night's dining experience.

I was at a restaurant with friends when one friend comments to the waiter about the paintings of naked cherubs on the ceiling.

The waiter says the cherubs bottoms aren't as big and pasty as his (the waiter's) butt cheeks.

Did you hear that Manuel? The waiter was discussing his sugarloaf with us!!!

I tried to mentally channel you from afar and ask for your counsel.

Was the waiter possibly suggesting I manhandle his sugarloaf?

What should I read into this?

Anonymous said...

Vonnegut said that the purpose of life is to fart around. Your day sounds splendid to me... farting around is highly under rated! And with hippies? Perfect! Loves me some dirty hippies!

Megan McGurk said...

Yay for your big day off.
What did you buy at the Victoria Centre?

savannah said...

sounds fantastic, sugar! xoxoxo

Jenny said...

A local holiday! My favorite kind.

Manuel said...

it was a fabulous coming soon......

Manuel said...

oh a medbh I bought clothes....lots n lots of clothes....and then went to ikea.....magic weekend

Mudflapgypsy said...

Mrs M and I had today (Monday) off and looked at the Ginger lunch on Monday....damn. Had to go somewhere else. Not the same really, is it?
Saw you as part of the review section though, well done old bean. Feeling smug? I would.

Manuel said...

muddy: very very smug.....where you go instead?

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

Laziness is an a art - Nice one!

Anonymous said...

I just read the menu at The Ginger Bistro. God, it's mouthwatering and the reviews (including yours!) look tip top. It's great to see an eager young enterprise like that making good. Good luck to 'em.

Mudflapgypsy said...

Olio. Nice place, food was alright roasted vegetable and chickpea curry with basmati rice. Mrs M had a caesar salad. It woulda been Ginger.....

Anonymous said...

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