
Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Here piggy piggy piggy....

Prime Minister Gordon Brown says we should all, "Stop wasting food" in order to reduce food waste and help combat rising food prices. Sensible advice. The problem of rising food prices and shortages are set to dominate this weeks G8 Meeting in Japan. And bravo to them, lets hope they get somewhere. Doubt it though. Well meaning statements of intent will be issued through stern voices. Plans will be announced and not followed through on. They will slap each others backs and convince themselves it was a job well done.

And all this whilst the hungry get hungrier and the fat get fatter.

The fat get fatter?

Oh yes they certainly do....
Here is the dinner menu for the G8 piggies...(From the Guardian's food blog Word of Mouth)

Corn-stuffed caviar
Smoked salmon and sea urchin "pain surprise" style
Winter lily bulb and summer savoury
Kelp-flavoured cold kyoto beef shabu-shabu, asparagus dressed with sesame cream
Diced fatty flesh of tuna fish, avocado and jellied soy sauce and Japanese herb "shiso"
Boiled clam, tomato, Japanese herb "shiso" in jellied clear soup of clam
Water shield and pickled conger dressed with vinegar soy sauce
Boiled prawn with jellied tosazu-vinegar
Grilled eel rolled around burdock strip
Sweet potato
Fried and seasoned Goby with soy sauce and sugar
Hairy Crab "Kegani" bisque soup
Salt-grilled bighand thornyhead with vinegary water pepper sauce
Milk fed lamb from "shiranuka" flavoured with aromatic herbs and mustard
Roasted lamb and cepes and black truffle with emulsion sauce of lamb's stock and pine seed oil
Special cheese selection.

What the fuck people? That really is just taking the piss. Do you think any of them for a moment consider the hypocrisy of this? Whilst the rest of us tuck into yesterdays left overs Brown, Bush, Sarkozy et al will be chowing down on some stuffed caviar and boiled prawns. Now, world leaders are just as entitled as the rest of us to eat well and splurge every so often but is it wise to do so when they are meant to be sorting out the very serious problems of the world food crisis?

I think fucking not.

"Yes George we really need to stimulate food production in Africa......pass me the caviar?"

"There you go Gordie ol pall. You're so right gotta help them folks...have you tried the eel?"

Pigs with their noses in the trough, albeit a very well filled and probably golden trough. I'd like to be there whilst Brown eats his. I'd be there with my faithful stabbing fork at the ready. I'd make the bloated fucker finish every last little bit under threat of a bloody good fork stabbing.

Trough munching hypocrites......

33 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Megan McGurk said...

They could all do with a weekend fast.
Let them eat a bowl of rice once a day for fuck's sake and then see how quickly they solve food shortages.

Manuel said...

medbh: hell yeah......nothing like starvation to sharpen the bloated mind......cunts

Silverstar said...

Personally I would like them to live for a week on my Social Security check, especially since Shrub has said I am one of the "lucky duckies". Arsehole. And I still eat better than a lot of the world.

Manuel said...

silverstar: let them eat cake......cakes of soap.....

Anonymous said...

"W" is probably just poking at his food, spitting it into his napkin, and trying to pass it to a dog under the table...

"What's with all this weird foreigner food? I wanna hot dog and a hostess twinkie!"

bunch of windbags...

Manuel said...

daisyfae: you are of course correct......super windbags....

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Gordon could spend his time better working out how to cut public spending.
He either has particularly useless advisers or he doesn't listen to them, not sure which.
Either way an almighty, arrogant twat.

Manuel said...

bbb: cut public spending? surely not.....just spend it right....less war and pay rises for mps and more for the nhs and schools etc......christ I've turned into the daily express.....

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what they eat, they'll still end up full of shit!

Anonymous said...

Dead on, Manuel. I can't believe the brass neck on these bloody oinkers scoffing on caviar as they debate the world's food problems. Mind you though, if I were to think of a punishment dish for them I doubt I could come up with anything more unappetizing sounding than "Salt-grilled bighand thornyhead with vinegary water pepper sauce".
I think the Japanese mean to kill them all.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame them.

I meet lots of people on a daily basis that don't deserve to eat. I actually wish that my tax dollars would not go to keep them alive because they are human trash.

Don't believe me? Come to America and meet some white/ghetto trash with me. They will make you lose your faith in humanity faster than anything.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I do pity those in 3rd world countries that can't eat because of demented alternative-fuel policies. I really hate what our stupid, enviro-friendly meddling has done to them. "Feel good about what you put in your car despite the fact that some African has to starve to death." Despicable.

Mostly I just hate the crappy people in my own country. They are fat on McDonald's anyway...

Anonymous said...

I suppose we can all hope that they aquire some food/diet related ailment, gout perhaps, and have to wait in line for treatment....

Politicians have never been able to fathom hypocrisy Manny, that's why they're such good leaders.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Manuel - I understand your point, but is it not a bit naive to expect them to eat a bowl of rice to show solidarity? Would it not be equally hypocritical for them to say 'look, we're eating the same as you so now we understand starvation' while they eat like kings the rest of the year? The media would jump on their insincerity in a second.
What does it matter what they eat at the summit, as long as some real good comes out of it?

I just think its rather churlish to be focusing on such an inconsequential aspect of the meeting.

Sorry to be the voice of dissent - its just the way I see it.

Caro said...

Shame there's no badly-prepared Fugu puffer fish on there. I hear it's quite the delicacy.

fatmammycat said...

Unbloodyreal. Well stated Manuel.

Manuel said...

maxi: no doubting it.....

pcb: yeah I pondered that very odd....

servlet: welcome, are you new? My aren't we a ray of jolly sunshine.....I'm not convinced that it's entirely down to the use of land for bio-fuels. I mean the real food crisis has been caused by the doubling in price of rice which isn't used as a bio fuel.....

queenie: gout.......brilliant stuff gout.....that'll teach em.....

sheepo: I see what you are saying......but did they need to publish the menu? was that really the smartest thing to do? I mean of all the press releases they released yesterday did they really have to push the button on this one. Shoes a lack of sensitivity at best and sticks two fingers up at worst....

caro: of if only........and a newbie to prepare it......

fmc: but still so real.....

Anonymous said...

You're right Manuel - they shouldn't have published the menu, but equally the Guardian shouldn't be jumping on it as some great crime, trivialising the purpose of the meeting.

Manuel said...

sheepo: not sure they are.....and I think it's a perfectly valid report, if a bit daily mail-ish on it.....

Anonymous said...

I like the Daily Mail, it comes in handy when I need kindle to burn immigrants...

Manuel said...

sheepo: stop it.......i'm easily wound up.....did you ever watch monkey dust? they portrayed the editor as a steaming pile of shite......nice

B said...

they should be made eat sand and each other(is cannibalism around in any starving countries) and drink that river blindess water from the ads.

Manuel said...

b: still flies in new Guinea.....or so my 30 year old encyclopedia tells me.....

Anonymous said...

Ah, Ivan Dobski the meatsafe murderer...
"I never done it. I only said I'd done it so they'd take me bell-end out of the Magimix".

I miss that show.

Manuel said...

sheepo: tremendously dark entertaining stuff.....the pedo-finder general, kelly on work experience, and the lad who cries with the lights on...!

Anonymous said...

Blimey. On the button with that one, Manuel. Makes the blood boil.

Someone in the PR department is proabably being ritually flogged at this very moment. How could they get this so badly wrong?

Manuel said...

jen: well you'd hope so.....I hear all the papers are covering it too....yeah you'd hope someone has a very red face......

Mudflapgypsy said...

And there I was thinking that the G8 summit was a meeting to address the wants of 8 industrialised countries.......not the poorer nations. The poorer nations have all the mineral welath, we have to keep them down so that those who work down the mines will feel good because they have a good job and can afford food for their families.
You think the G8 give a monkeys at all? Lipservice to keep the proles from boiling over. So a few guardian readers feel enraged. Then they read on a few pages and forget all about it as they are told that recycling is a great idea and the warmth of smugness washes over them for they do recycle and isn't that great?

Paranoid, cynical?
You just can't mean me and I do recycle. Goes off to feel smug and somewhat disgusted at the way the world is.

Manuel said...

muddy: bit tough on the guardianistas there....but yes you are of course right...fuck all will come out of the g8.....status quo maintained....

Crispy said...

Unbelieveabke greedy fat bastards, I hate them all....this should be headline news at 6pm....not the fucking recession that looms over us.
But on a brighter note I went to see kung fu panda today with the kids....90 minutes of peave and quiet...bliss!!!

Crispy said...

....I mean peace and quiet.

Jenny said...

They are lacking fiber in their diet... and I think that would greatly help.... many of their problems.

Anonymous said...

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