
Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The centre of the Well Done Filletverse...

clicky the picy to behold it's full glory...

that's what it's like 24/7

27 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Jenny said...

I went over and visited the site today - pretty funny! I see you have nicotine gum and a lighter together and a very clear sugar habit too! Right on.

Manuel said...

boxer: the lighter is for lighting candles at rally......sugar takes the pain away.....

Ms. McDermott said...

I notice a distinct absence of cigarettes. Well done, Manuel!
But, I have to say your desk is no where near as messy as my husband's.

Manuel said...

ms mcdermott: believe me that was a good day...

Anonymous said...

Oh you Apple tart, you! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a lot tidier than I thought it would be.

Megan McGurk said...

That's much more tidy than my desk.
I see all those teabags in there!

The Mistress said...

Why does a waiter need a desk?

Blondefabulous said...

Mine doesn't even begin to compare..... but I sent mine in.

B said...

Here's mine for the thread

savannah said...

so, i'm to send a pic of my desk to the link you gave me? damn, sugar, that's like showin the contents of my lingerie drawer! ;) xoxox

(sure, i'll do it!)

Anonymous said...

A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind... or at least that's what I keep telling myself since I don't have a filing system, but rather a piling system.

Amy said...

A man after my own heart. We have 3 Mac's here.

My brother in law is a Mac developer and talked me into trying a Mac about 10 years ago. I can't figure out now why I ever used a PC.

Anonymous said...

Pretty great snapshot of your desk. Mine is usually shared by my 7 years old Scrabble Dictionary and some crossword puzzles.

Barlinnie said...

A very intimate look inside your personal life indeed.

Merely by examining the desk top contents I can deduce the following.

You have hay fever, your dish washer salt needs changing, you shop at Tesco, your protestant, and you suffer from the most appalling haemorrhoids (european spelling)
mankind has ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Your desk looks positively tidy compared to mine....

Red said...

Are there man moisturisers on that desk??? in the top right corner

Anonymous said...

Also is that a torch in the top right hand corner? A defence against toe stubbing?

The Sexy Pedestrian said...

fatmammycat said...

Another apple whore, welcome to my world.

Mike the Waiter said...

I think I spy handcuffs and a syringe in that clutter... which makes you either a cop on insulin or a S&M junkie. Care to elaborate?
your friend in Indiana, USA

Anonymous said...

Now I have to go find some Love Hearts! They're awesome!

Native Minnow said...

Ok, so who do I send a pic to if I want to do this?

Killer said...

My desk is on Desked

Anonymous said...

oh, lord... what died in the bottom of your cup? at least there are no condom wrappers... are there?

K said...

You leave the teabag in the cup while drinking? You animal!

Anonymous said...

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