manuel: you'd regret taking that! well y'know what they say; second year of regular blogging in ireland's a charm! ...they don't say that... but they will!
"Good luck, Manuel - nothin' like a bit of friendly food blog rivalry", said The Spud to The Waiter. Now, if The Spud should later end up as french fries served by The Waiter, well, we know where you blog... ! :)
36 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
It's all yours, Manuel!
You're going to run away with it!
Medbh: ha! but thanks all the same......
Em, you noticed that you are also in the Best Personal (against me! Grrr)and Best Humour categories too?
well done, sugar! and americans get to vote, right? ;) xoxo
(who did the poster????)
eguinan: yeah but I cant nom nom nom those...
savannah: it goes to judges now.....I di the poster...took bloody ages too.....hard to believe eh..
how about a thousand and two-hundred 1p coins instead of a tenner?
Have you ever won?
b: no ta.....actually I'm not that proud I'll take it...a blog award? no, no I haven't but this is only my second year at blogging.
manuel: you'd regret taking that!
well y'know what they say; second year of regular blogging in ireland's a charm!
...they don't say that... but they will!
b: hahahahaha....
(Does that stop the seething?)
minnow: yeah......thanks..... [dries eyes]
Aren't you nominated in the humour and personal blog categories too?
Going for The Treble?
If you win would you have to wear decorations on your work shirt like war veterans?
I should go to bed.
99 with sprinkles: ha! and i should get my finger out and do what i said id do..
How cum yer in the humour category?
Did I miss that post?
Good wishes on that Manuel!
Is there a hairiest arse category?
Well done Manuel. Looking forward to meeting you again in Cork :)
If you win I think you should be made to wear a sash at work, like the Rose of Tralee wears.
Punters will flock, be eccentric, and tip heavily in order to get into the blog.
Heh, conan is onto a winner there!
Congrats Manuel - best of luck.
well done and best of luck. You talented and waiter/blogger you!!
old k: cheeky fooker
steve: cheers dude
mj: would I win? I think id win
darragh: yeah cheers dude
conan: sash? me? hehehehehehe
sheepo: see above
red: again cheers man
'It was old and it was beautiful' Haha.
sheepo: exactly.....then again I am old and ....oh wait.....just old
Ah now Manuel, if a sash really would make you feel uncomfortable then a cummerbund might do.
conan: ooooh I'd love a cumberland sausage right now......
good job. I voted. take time to realise how much effort that was for me....
I bet you'd love a cumberland sausage!
Congrats on the nom, well deserved as would be the award.
"Good luck, Manuel - nothin' like a bit of friendly food blog rivalry", said The Spud to The Waiter. Now, if The Spud should later end up as french fries served by The Waiter, well, we know where you blog... ! :)
we do prefer notes ... keep the change... or better yet, give it to the bussers!
second year?! It feels like you've been here all my life.
Since you're not up against me in any categories I hope you win them mate.
Best of luck.
god speed, sir.
cheers folks.....
Congrats Manuel :-)
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