Free Advertising on Well Done Fillet
What a tremendous word!
Say it with me, "FREEEEEE".
Let your tongue rattle round it.
Well Done Fillet now offers free advertising for whatever it is you wish to propagandize, within reason of course. For example if you were trying to attract new members to your waiter baiting club then I probably wouldn't carry such an advert. And if you are from a big fat company with lots of mullah then you too can also do one, or get your cheque book out. But if you have a gig/club night to promote or a CD to sell or even a quality market filled with crafts, books, art, zine's - both mag and fan amongst other things to publicize then, sure, contact me for more details and lets get it done.
Well Done Fillet, giving something back to a society that it has taken so so much from. No, seriously.
13 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Will you abandon this philanthropy when you start smoking again?
hahahahahahaha probably......
can one publicise anything ?
lol at 'do one'
are you going to the black box market? i'll see you there!
How's the patch business going? Do they make you feel dizzy?
Perhaps you could line me up a job after I graduate. If you're still philanthropizing then. I may have just made that word up.
Will slap male Irish arse...for free!
Englishmen need not apply.
job opening: needed someone to unpack boxes and put things away. must be able to follow directions. bartending skills are an added bonus.
Youngish male sheepworrier WLTM 20smthng FM sheep for fun, frolics, friendship and dirty farm sex. must have GSOH and own barn.
23yr old n/s undervalued youth worker WLTM similar for wine drinking and one-upmanship. must have GSOH and deep pockets. no time wasters please, bt8
You sell out! I remember when you'd comment on blogs pretending to like them, oh you've changed.
Now get me a plate of chips with a fried egg on top you cunt.
I'd like to advertise myself as being awesome. Please.
I'll share with you if you like.
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