Waiters Mortal but Invincible (Unless they are a bit tired. You should expect a few mistakes if they are tired)
But essentially Invincible.
Proper post later, I'm having a moment to savour the day that it is....
People trying to get Manuel's attention:
What? I thought that was last week. Is this waiters' day a weekly fucking thing now? No way! Sounds made up anyway. Chefs' day? Kitchen porters' day? Thought not.
Manuel, is that "Service not servitude" your own?? I really like it and am wondering about its usage, will I incur a royalty charge if it utter across a busy bar of a friday night at some ruddy faced ponce looking for a "quick" G and T?
It's not quite Wednesday here but I'll make a point of going out for dinner when it is and tipping my usual 20%. Oh yeah, I was trained well as a teen and even tip 20% at my local. Hope you enjoyed the day off.
Well, I'm not eating out today and Jenny's away so I'm cooking my own meals. I guess that makes me the waiter so I'll give myself an extra generous tip - say 50%. Thanks Nick, do come again soon.
Enjoy the day, Manuel. Let's hear it for all those under-appreciated waiters out there.
18 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
What? I thought that was last week. Is this waiters' day a weekly fucking thing now? No way!
Sounds made up anyway. Chefs' day? Kitchen porters' day? Thought not.
Manuel, is that "Service not servitude" your own?? I really like it and am wondering about its usage, will I incur a royalty charge if it utter across a busy bar of a friday night at some ruddy faced ponce looking for a "quick" G and T?
i have dinner reservations! i shall wear my badge, sugar! ;-) xoxox
Well enjoy! As I recall, you said that you had the day off!
Hallmark seems to have forgotten you.
It's not quite Wednesday here but I'll make a point of going out for dinner when it is and tipping my usual 20%. Oh yeah, I was trained well as a teen and even tip 20% at my local. Hope you enjoyed the day off.
It is indeed, a very special day.
I will go forth and pour my own water, bus my own table and refresh my coffee cup.
But will you give me your tip?
Well, I'm not eating out today and Jenny's away so I'm cooking my own meals. I guess that makes me the waiter so I'll give myself an extra generous tip - say 50%. Thanks Nick, do come again soon.
Enjoy the day, Manuel. Let's hear it for all those under-appreciated waiters out there.
God bless yes all :-)
Obviously I'll make them dance that extra bit harder for the tip... tax-dodging floor monkeys!
It should be a national holiday!
I don't think there is a day of the year now that isn't a day for someone or other.....but I suppose you should mark these things.
Anyway, I can see that the 'y' is supposed to be an arm/hand holding, er something on a tray, but why does it look like a very large dildo?
Explain yourself, you've let that London corrupt you.
What do you mean it's just me?
Happy Waiter's Day, Manuel!
Service them customers, service them good! Ahem. And put a sign up so they tip appropriately.
Am I the only one who hasn't had her badges yet? :(
I haven't got mine either - he was supposed to leave them in a phonebox at the bottom of the L'burn rd, but he only left a used condom...
Happy Waiter's Day!
Here's hoping the tips pour in.
It was a great day......for so many reasons....
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