Claridges tonight. Did I mention that already? It's the whole point of the London trip. I rarely looked at the menu in the run up to the trip except on days when I had the blues or something. Nothing like Pacific braised halibut to chase away the wobbles.
Huh no tacos, who would have thought it?
Guess what I'm gonna order tonight and the closest wins a badge set.
27 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Scallops to start, John Dory or the beef for main? Hmmm, beef. Dessert? You know you want to...poached rhubarb.
I'm surprised at the price. I know it's not cheap but I expected it would be more expensive.
I'm sure it was fantastic.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and yes, to the menu, sugar! i am more than jealous, no, i just want to hear about what y'all ordered! in detail...*sighing*
I've ruled out the roast rump as I imagine you don't want to be reminded of that unfortunate incident.
I promise I won't light up so close to your sugarloaf again.
Now where the hell's my bap,dammit?
I'm going to say the halibut. The caramelized bananas sound good for dessert.
im going to go with the.... roast duck and the apple tarte. cant wait to hear about it!!!!
Wood-pigeon, venison, then banana.
God, I wish I was going too. My mouth is watering.
Have fun, you two!!
Scallops, the duck, then the caramelised banana and bitter chocolate....mmmmmmm and I agree wiht BBB 70 isnt really that much!!
Was it truly amazing??? Did you see gordon?? was he cursing??????
Mullett - lamb - panna cotta.
Badges pleeese.
Scallops, beef, apple tart.
Well, you know, them, but without the posh names.
Mullet,Beef,cig,Rhubarb. there probably a coffee in there somewhere.
Butternut Squash Risotto, Pork Belly main, Banana and bitter chocolate dessert.
Or at least that is what I would order.
Does the seventy quid include flights and accomodation??
I don't go in for all those posh names. Just call a steak a bloody steak and have done with it. Hope you had a wonderful experience.
*po face*
and where in fuckery is the vegetarian option?
I think we all know MR Ramsays' views on Vegetarians...
"Feed em to the Lions"
i'll hazard a guess, i suppose....
cheese tray
black bream
passion fruit creme brulee
for me however, i'll take a cheese tray and one of each dessert, and call it a happy, happy day.
but really, did you see gordon? did you?!?!?
Scallops & Pork belly.
I hate you. That is all! :)
I thought gordon had pulled out of Claridges already? Maybe not then! Hospital Rd is better... bit late now I guess.
It all looks pristine, Manuel.
Nom nom nom.
ok for me I'll have :
foie gras in white port
fillet of beef or venison (not sure)
definitely the Vahlrona chocolate fondant
soooooo jealous!!
Does anybody else get a picture of a bended knee, a ring and a proposal?
The duck foie gras, the halibut and the choc fondant. And the cheese, fatty.
More like a proposal, a knee and a bended ring ;o)
Peking Duck, Braised Pacific Halibut (or is that too easy - you wouldn't really mention it, would you?), and caramelized apple tart.
bbb: wrong wrong wrong!!!!
now i've a question - undoubtedly you've tried what LMM ate as well.... perhaps even shared (is that proper in england? i don't know. 'tis here) and so do we have to include that as well? because that opens up a whole new world of options, you know.
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