More Four is showing Nikolaus Geyrhalter's film Our Daily Bread next Tuesday at 10pm. Not a lot of laughs but if you have strong views or are curious about mass food production then this is the boy for you.
From More Four...
"This beautiful and evocative documentary is a powerful look at the industry of agriculture throughout Europe. There might not be anything new about the idea that "you are what you eat", but the old maxim seems particularly urgent at the moment. Since the turn of the millennium the issues of food production and sustainability have become ever more serious. We're all increasingly aware of the potential dangers of fast food, the polluting effects of intensive agriculture and pressures on global food supply and our appetite for information about exactly what we are putting on our plates and the impact of our feeding habits has grown accordingly."Worth a watch.......
10 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
look at you getting all fawncy with your videos and whatnot.
you've changed man(uel), you've changed...
I try not to know where my food comes from. It just ruins the mood.
Oh God. It's so easy to have a rasher of bacon when you haven't seen what goes into producing it. I love a nice pork chop but the numbers adn conditions are just getting to hard to ignore. Meat is one of the most energy-expensive things to eat. All the grain it takes to grow one beef cow could feed way more people than the cow would feed, if we we all ate in a more vegetarian way.
I don't like the idea at all - I like chicken and pork and fish (a whole other sustainability nightmare) but the day's coming when we have to decide whether our tastes and habits still outweigh the mounting environmental problems caused by satisfying them.
We're in the red in terms of the environment - using more than we can afford. Time to tighten the belt for a while maybe until we get back to a sustainable rate of production and consumption.
These poor pigs live in horrible conditions.
moderation is the key, i think...that and re-evaluating our farming practices. it's as if the entire world has got to take amoment and all flip to the same page, sugar! otherwise, we are doomed
(btw, i was looking for the pensioner's luncheon post - what happened?) ;-) (demanding biddie, i know...sorry)
that fish on the conveyor belt is creeping me out.
No no I can't watch it. I wouldn't mind going vegetarian but I live with a mannish boy so I'm not allowed.
I've never quite understood how I'm able to gaze adoringly at a spring lamb in a field and then eat it's slaughtered brother for dinner and still be able to sleep at night.
I like the A's, I like the D's, I just don't want to know what the B's and C's look like. Y'know?
Makes the hair on my arms stand up, Manuel.
can't watch it but, "I feel like Chicken tonight!"
We have to eat bacon or the terrorists win.
sheepo: I'm a media baron now......
blondie: that's the way!
sam: there is no respect for living beings.....they are handled and moved as if they were just another's as bad as it gets....
savannah: pensioners? not talking about it.......
boxer: what is going on there?
k8: I know what you mean......but I think we have a responsibility to ensure that the b's and c's are carried out ethically.......
medbh: it's grim
old k: bwahahahahaha
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