Not so repressed memories
It was Christmas 1981, or thereabouts, and the family sitting room was crammed with grandparents, aunts, uncles and all those I held close to my heart. Being an annoying child I was rather put out that I wasn't getting the required attention that I felt that I deserved. I sang a little, I danced a little, I made a whole lot of noise but all to no avail.
But I didn't give up.
Hell no
Hell no
Grandparents are always pleased to hear about your academic success, even if it is your sandpit skills, and I knew this was a good way of getting some attention. So I waited for an appropriate lull in the conversation and announced in the largest voice I could muster,
There was a moments silence then the room was engulfed in laughter. Everyone was chortling and slapping their knees and having a merry old time at my expense. Except grandad, who being as deaf as a post, didn't hear my grammatical faux pas. "What did he say granny? He's the what? He's going to Eglish?" There were shouts of "Awh bless him, wee love." And other such remarks. Instead of a warm round of applause and 5 pound notes being squeezed into my hand I was being mocked and justifiably so.
Where is this going I hear you ask?
Well in the spirit of that fine moment I would like to proclaim,

And yet still no 5 pound notes have been squeezed into my hand!
Expect a full review of our new food and wine menu tomorrow. I've got 5 days of food in my fridge that I must reacquaint myself with now that my body has returned to "normal".
songs described as charts
more at "made in england by gentlemen"
Expect a full review of our new food and wine menu tomorrow. I've got 5 days of food in my fridge that I must reacquaint myself with now that my body has returned to "normal".

more at "made in england by gentlemen"
29 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Me very happy 4 U.
first comes the magazine article, then the TV show, then the movie. I helped get you there, after all I didn't cry for you! don't forget me!
Fabulous, Manuel. I'm oh so happy to see you in the MSM.
I am also slowly returning to eating today. After every small bite at dinner, I had to pause and guess whether it would send me running to puke. So far, so good.
Wished I had the durned badges autographed now, yer all famous.
Congratulations, Manuel.
Who is going to play you in the movie?
Brilliant Manuel. I'm very proud of you.
So how much did they pay ya? and as for that memory rewarding stupity (as you were 23 then) only encourages it, its a vicious cycle and explains a lot. me I'm a natural.
So happy for you Manuel! Well deserved. Glad you're feeling better! Was everyone sick or only the people who came from afar? Some sort of Dublin vomit bug... heh!
See? Those herbal ciggies cure all ills.
Are you seriously thinking about a book?
well done, sugar! xoxox
Do you ever forget anything....?I think you may have been an elephant in a past life. Do you remember how excited you got when you saw a big bus one day!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!
Anyhoo congrats on the publication, does that make you a doctor now?
Next stop Vanity Fair.
Invoice them and be prepared to wait over 30 days to get paid.
If ya ever need photos for future articles contact me. I suppose this will only happen when you drop the cloak of anonymity.
Congrats, you are in print.
Well done etc!
I was about seven when I said 'grand pricks' instead of grand prix...I can still hear the guffaws!
You or the copywriter forgot the final question mark at the end of your piece!
Infamy beckons.
And I wanted to ask you why you took a fellow blogger to a dung-hole that gave her (and you) food poisoning)?
Fantastic news old man! Sorry you've been ill, sounds very nasty and I hope you're feeling much better.
boxer: hehehehehe
quickie: I shall never forget could I
medbh: Cheers Medbh! I'm scared to eat, honest.....worst week of my life
pgeek: ta ta
mj: Liam Neeson, same size as me
gypsy: awh shucks...fiver?
old k: pay?
debs: medbh and I, you too?
dave: and gaviscon....
sheepo: why so sneery?
savannah: thanks
crispy: bitch.....
conan: next stop Vanity......
muddy: I'll remember that.....
queenie: where?
bbb: I'm a total cunt!!
fmc: cheers love!
*pats manny on back* well done!!!
economy of words now, eh, sugar? ;-)
excellent, you're published
Manuel: I don't do sneery.
voices: ta big fella
Savannah: no chance....
warriorwoman: cheers!
Sheepo: I did sneery once......laughed at me all night long, put me right off my stroke.....bitch
After the 'is it worth it' at the end, was it a question?
Not having a go like, just sayin'.
oh queenie, poor poor queenie, it says, "You'll wait but it is worth it." No need for a ?
Alright 'Mr In Print' Don't mock the afflicted...can I help it if I need glasses?
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Hi Manuel
A friend sent me this link today. I used to be the editor of Griffiti magazine! Sorry we couldn't give you any money, it was a low-budget student rag, but thanks for letting us publish it. Keep bollocking the diners and winers.
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