"Waiters are people too..."
That Gordon Ramsay knows a good thing when he sees it. ..
"The US blog - Waiter Rant - takes the attitude that being a really great waiter is something to strive for, and that this will be rewarded accordingly by the customers. It comes as little surprise that the British equivalent - Well Done Fillet - is somewhat more cynical..."What the hell do they mean by that? "Somewhat more cynical"? I'm a whole lot more cynical! Without cynicism I am nothing.......
22 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Lazy fucking journo wankers.
Did I say that out loud?
If they had delved a little deeper they might have realised that you take pride in what you do Manuel.
The blogger who write waiter rant also goes on about what twats his employers/customers are.
I stand by my first statement.
Muddy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Calm down it's okay. I like it.......If I ever need to bust someone you can be in my gang.......
It's nice to see you acknowledged, Manuel, and the writer has an interesting take.
At the same time, he failed to address the growing number of servers who are not in it for the money at all.
I couldn't care less how much money I made...my mother-in-law stayed with us so I simply couldn't go home.
- Dennis
My motto this christmas will be "ho,ho,ho muthafukka"
Under my breath, of course.
What name drop tots! Me and Joe Dolan here are mightily impressed, as is Bobby Ewing.
Woo Hoo!
The legend of Manuel grows!
Enjoy it, sweetie. It's well earned.
That waiter rant dude is a sexist ass, btw.
More well earned acclaim. Well done!
Can I just say now I hate you with all my heart for the Christmas header. Not that it isn't pretty it's just that its ......... arghhhhhhhh CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Who the fuck is Gordon Ramsay??
Is he on one of those reality shows or something?
Gordon Ramsey eh? Better than Madge Ramsey I suppose.
nice, i love kudos. i read the other one as well.. i fucking hate it when critics compare food blogs, or waiter blogs... hey lets compare cook books next! anyway i'm down with the mad flappy blogger who first posted. "mud flap"? isnt that what foreskin on a gay man is called? anyway.
mmmm, gordon. i fancy him almost as much as clarkson.
Manuel... congrats fella - good to see you gettin cecked and mentioned in passing more and more - great blog.
cecked is a great word - yup, its good to see you getting cecked more and more often manuel errr.. name-checked
*wanders back to wine*
Ahhhh - I knew he was more than a guy who just likes to take his shirt off on T.V.
Well Done, Manuel!
I won't rest until you're a celebrity TV waiter like those celebrity TV chefs.
You know what pisses me off? The writer referring to an American blogger and an European blogger types "When in doubt leave 10%" This is not acceptable in my country unless you were given shit ass service. 10% means "You SUCK as a server".
Ahh well, it's always nice to be recognized even if it's by someone lacking eloquence.
Dennis: Welcome, Love your site btw......very very funny...
Muddy: Now your just spoiling me with things to steal.....was that from Die Hard?
FMC: Ha! No Hugo Duncan?
Medbh: Thanks....Can I tell you a secret? I never really liked his site much....bit up himself I always thought.....
Ellie: Thanks! The banner stays, I'm like one of those house that has their decorations up the day after halloween....
Dave: He's a cooker jockey, Scottish lad, does a bit of shouting n stuff....might go places if he tries hard enough...
OFTR: Hahahahahah
Inner Voices: Kudos is great.....makes up for my many years of hate .....
Rosie: Stop it.....on both accounts
Toast: cecked....I wear cecks under my trousers.....thanks.....
Boxer: Thanks.....maybe I'll start taking my shirt off at work.......maybe not all the same......
MJ: You go girl.....
Upset: I wouldn't mind but the writer was probably English and you are lucky to get anything from them......tightest race of people ever......fact
Tightest? No no no no Sir. Americans have the widest pipes ever. Canadians are the "Can't get a BB pellet in the ass" types.
ooo, look at you and your new-found fame...
That would be yipee ky yay.....
Gotta get into the christmas spirits...hic...
Upseto: The Canadians are bad, but the English are the worst
Sheepo: "New?".....i've been infamous for years.....
Muddy: Ah yes the Advocat......
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