
Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Quarter to 3 in the morning is dinner time

It glows!!
That can't be good for you can it?

One of the results of working the peculiar hours/shifts that I, and anyone who works shifts, is that it fucks something shocking with your eating schedule. People assume that because you work in a restaurant you spend your time eating steak stuffed with lobster wrapped in chicken. Well I don't. I wish I could but I don't. And by "people" I mean taxi drivers. Tonight was another tremendous ride home. "Here mate, you must get til eat lats of steak all the time eh steak all the time wah." said tonight's Travis Bickle. He continued with, "If I worked der I'd be stuffing me bake wi big sirloins and chicken and.....more steaks. I love food." As long as it's chicken or beef eh big fella.

He just wouldn't believe me when I told him we get less than dick all for food at work. Well ok that's not exactly true, we get burger and chips, chicken goujons and chips, chips with your choice of sauce added, naked chips (vegetarian option), or a bowl of soup. I'm not complaining but steak wrapped in chicken and stuffed with truffles it ain't! Head chefs are accountants with aprons, nothing goes for nothing.

I usually forego the sensory delights that are staff "meals". I swear, you piss a chef off once he will get his own back 50 fold with your staff meal. You can be handed a burger that by all appearances is delicious looking and tempting but if you look closer you find it contains added ingredients. Added ingredients such as "fur" from behind the fridge, crap from beside the fryer, and what is best described only as male DNA are all regular special add-on's for me. Those guys and their mischievous ways, oh how we laugh at the various ways they try to kill me.

But foregoing food on a 12 hour shift leads to grumpiness. Grumpiness leads to fighting with chefs which leads to bad staff meals which leads to the foregoing of staff meals which, well you get the point. It's a vicious circle of food denial and grumpiness. I'm not proud of it but sometimes, just sometimes, I have been known to sample some of the food returned by customers. Not the food from their plate but from their side dish. Don't judge me, you don't know the hunger. I'm a chap that enjoys his food, and occasionally yours too.

All this leads to me eating late at night. I like to sit down and enjoy my food without interruptions. There is nothing worse than some being asked a stream of ridiculous questions as you try to shovel your food down your neck before the chef discovers that you have had it away with a rib eye steak. No I like my food free from Nazi Chefs, phone calls, and customers, and most importantly free from "added extras". But this leads to late night eating and that isn't good for an already rotund chap. Why can't you get a healthy salad with a light dressing and granary bread delivered at 2 in the morning? Why?

I end up eating kebabs, curries both Indian and Chinese, pizza, burgers, fish and chips, sausage and chips, bacon sandwiches and well all sorts of crap. I go through phases of trying not to order takeaway after work. I make fresh soup and curries that I can heat up when I get home. I ensure that the fridge is teaming with quality food stuffs but sometimes I have no energy for late night culinary challenges. I knew I was ordering too frequently from my local Chinese takeaway when they named their third son after me.

Take today for example. I had a buttered bagel for breakfast (or was it lunch, I didn't get up until 12pm) and didn't eat again until half eleven tonight. I had a large doner kebab with chilli chips and a Tandoori chicken side dish. I call it the Monday marvel, mmmmmmmmmarvellous. I had no appetite for the rest of the day after my breakfast bagel. I couldn't have eaten even if I had wanted to. And it's been like this for as long as I can remember.

But what am I to do? I am all at one with my rotund/cuddly physique. It's what I am, I'm cuddly and I'm proud. But when does one stop becoming cuddly and just become a fat fuck? It's a fine line between pleasantly plump and morbidly obese. I'm getting worried, there world doesn't need/want a second fat Manuel......

Another Manuel
not this Manuel.....

23 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Megan McGurk said...

Poor man!
It's true, the late night shifts sap you of any desire to prepare healthy food and keep you reliant on the greasy take-away.
And late night eating does take its toll on your waist line.
I wish I had an easy answer, Manuel. Do you have a market near by selling pre-prepared salads?

Manuel said...

Yeahbutthey are allshitetoo.Andmy spcabebar isplayinguptoofuckkkkkk crisis at a timepleasejesus.....

Jenny said...

I gained 10 lbs in two months when I worked in food service. My supervisor, a man well over 300 lb, told me that broken cookies could not be sold and therefore eaten. He then promptly smacked one on the counter, broke it, and handed it to me. I knew I was in heaven..... so unless you start working at a smoothie shop... you're kinda screwd aren't you?


Manuel said...

Thanksforthat Boxer......anythoughts on busted spacebars?It's reallyvery annoying

Jenny said...


Niall said...

take your "cuddly Hands" off it, maybe thats a sign youve crossed the mark manuel....

country types indeed!

savannah said...

yikes, sugar...try portioning out the food you make at home and freezing it..then all you have to do is pop one of the dishes in the microwave when you get home.

re the busted space bar...try blowing on it/dusting off the keys, sometimes things get stuck and cause it to stick.

ellie said...

Ioffermysympathy. Don'tknowwhattosuggestaboutthefoodthingthough. StayhappyManuel

Is it just me? said...

For the food...make yourself a nice salad and bring it to the restaurant with you.

For the spacebar...use a coin to take it off and clean it..theres a bit of kebab stuck underneath it darling!

Anonymous said...

You must be burning off a fair few calories at work on your feet all day I would have thought - anyway so long as LMM still thinks you're a hunk all is fine :-)

Manuel said...

Anonymous Boxer: Or bash it a few times.....

Niall: Banjo plucker....ding ding ding ding ding (duelling banjos btw)

Savannah: Bashed it, working fine again...
So is the keyboard...

Ellie: Thankyouellie,iwillaslongasyoudo!

Is it just me?: Bring salad to work AND RUIN MY HARD MAN REPUTATION? I don't think so...It wasn't kebab it was lettuce.....

Conortje: Yes, yes I do and yes, yes she does the mad bastard!

Anonymous said...

you eat a kebab sober!?

Manuel said...

Sheepo: It's a good point. But my kebab merchant uses only high quality mechanically reclaimed meat....

fatmammycat said...

I belive the latest way to curb late night eating is to ingest large amounts of speed and cocaine. I've heard the weight falls right off.

Manuel said...

FMC: Popular with the bar people, I am a waiter, we have no need for your class A's. We survive mainly on an energy created by anger and resentment.....fuck it pass me the coke.....

Anonymous said...

Manuel: My merchant of unidentified meat uses whatever they find lying on the pavement ouside laverys, from roadkill to the occasional unconscious drunk.
Feck it, smother anything in enough kebab sauce an I'll chomp it down like a binging stephen nolan.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's awful. Eight years later, I'm still trying to shift the stone I gained in my first year working. The NHS runs on toast and Quality Street.

livesbythewoods said...

Hip flask. Bovril.

Need I say more?

Cycles Goff said...

Have you considered exercise? Ahahahahaha!

I am, of course, only joshing.

Manuel said...

Sheepo: There will be no mention of Stephen Nolan on this website. I wont be standing for it. God I detest that man....

FreshBlade: Hahahahahahah

LBTW: Hip Flask. Gin and Tonic. Need I say more?

Gimme: Not a fucking chance....

Mudflapgypsy said...

Savannah is right, I do this and take the portions to work. I always have the best lunches.

Go on Manny , self discipline, you can do it. Though sometimes a curry chip is the only thing that'll hit the spot.

Manuel said...

Flappy: Little Miss Manuel says I have given the impression that I am a big fat lad, which I'm not, well not-ish...

Anonymous said...

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