Hi and welcome to Trevor White Week™
Yes, dear readers, this week will be dedicated to Trevor White! We shall have competitions, fun facts, book and magazine reviews, personal testimony, and a whole lot more. A whole week dedicated to all things Trevor White. By the end of this week you will know the man as intimately as you know yourself.
The WellDoneFillet schedule has been cleared, the calendar re-written, the milk cancelled and the cat put out. This week is just for Trevor, nothing will get in the way of TrevorWhiteWeek™.
I know some of you will be unsure about TrevorWhiteWeek™ but I have compiled a handy TrevorWhiteWeek FAQ section which I'm sure will answer all your questions.
Why Trevor White? Trevor has said some nasty things about waiters that can't be allowed to go unchallenged. So I have sent him an email asking him to clarify his remarks. So to kill time until we get a response I thought we should get to know the man.
So who is Trevor White? Trevor White cant be summed up in a couple of lines. It will take a week to learn about and to love the man. What really is the secret of his foppish hair?
Trevor White? Have I heard that name before? Yes you probably have, just don't mention Trevor White to Tiger Woods or Mrs Tiger Woods either now that I come to think of it. More to come on that little issue.
What can we do, as readers, to help with TrevorWhiteWeek™? If you have any lovely Trevor White stories send them to me. If you have met Trevor White then share your insights with us. Have you any photographs of Trevor White, incriminating or not, that you would like to send to us? Have you served Mr Trevor White in a restaurant or bar? Is he a good or bad customer? Please share with the group.
You said you have sent Mr Trevor White an email. Yes I did, early on Sunday morning. Can we see it? Yes you can....
Do you really think he will respond? I hope for Trevor's sake I get a response. I have faith that Trevor will do the right thing.
So a whole week then? Yup, gonna be fun eh......
The WellDoneFillet schedule has been cleared, the calendar re-written, the milk cancelled and the cat put out. This week is just for Trevor, nothing will get in the way of TrevorWhiteWeek™.
I know some of you will be unsure about TrevorWhiteWeek™ but I have compiled a handy TrevorWhiteWeek FAQ section which I'm sure will answer all your questions.
Why Trevor White? Trevor has said some nasty things about waiters that can't be allowed to go unchallenged. So I have sent him an email asking him to clarify his remarks. So to kill time until we get a response I thought we should get to know the man.
So who is Trevor White? Trevor White cant be summed up in a couple of lines. It will take a week to learn about and to love the man. What really is the secret of his foppish hair?
Trevor White? Have I heard that name before? Yes you probably have, just don't mention Trevor White to Tiger Woods or Mrs Tiger Woods either now that I come to think of it. More to come on that little issue.
What can we do, as readers, to help with TrevorWhiteWeek™? If you have any lovely Trevor White stories send them to me. If you have met Trevor White then share your insights with us. Have you any photographs of Trevor White, incriminating or not, that you would like to send to us? Have you served Mr Trevor White in a restaurant or bar? Is he a good or bad customer? Please share with the group.
You said you have sent Mr Trevor White an email. Yes I did, early on Sunday morning. Can we see it? Yes you can....
Dear Mr White,
I hope the day finds you in fine fettle and all is well in your little world. I wish all was well in my world but alas all is not well, not well at all. And I am afraid to say that you are at the very centre of my unhappiness. For you see Mr White I am a waiter, a hard working, professional waiter. I love what I do, I care for my customers, I help and guide them through their dining experience. I have been working in the Hospitality Industry for over 18 years. I know from your interview on Five Live that you don't like that term.
I know my craft and know it well. I am neither a resting actor nor a middle class dropout. I find this to be offensive in the worst way possible. "Middle class" indeed!I love a good stereotype as much as the next man, and a good sweeping generalisation is so much easier than actual work. But I do take offence at this particular remark.
But maybe I have taken you up incorrectly. Have I taken you up incorrectly Mr White? No profession is above criticism, why just the other day I was served by a waiter who was less that fantastic. But to smear us all as uncaring and unskilled is just factually incorrect.
I reacted very badly to your interview on Friday night and posted as such on my blog, WellDoneFillet . But I am prepared to give you a chance to explain yourself. I will buy your book and read it and then post my views on it. I nearly bought it online on Friday night but for the postal strike. I don't want to have to wait a week to get it started. Such is my intrigue.
I await your comments Mr White on waiters and waiting as a profession. Have I taken that passage out of context and you are actually filled with love and admiration for us waiters? Or are you just a fan of a good soundbite?
Now where did I put that video store clerk application form..?
Do you really think he will respond? I hope for Trevor's sake I get a response. I have faith that Trevor will do the right thing.
So a whole week then? Yup, gonna be fun eh......
21 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
What a wonderful idea, Manuel.
My guess is that he won't reply or if you get one it will be a generic and non-responsive one.
Take a bow for keeping your inquiry polite.
I'm going to have a think on my caption before sending it.
This is how you stick-it-to-the-wannabe-man with style.
He better hope he doesn't get recognised by professional waiters when he's out dining. Got to be hard to enjoy your food when you're checking to make sure there's no gob in it.
Medbh: I had to write and rewrite the email. I didn't want to get too sweary....well not yet..
BBB: I just wish he would walk into my section one night.....
Note to self. Do not piss Manuel off.
I'm happy to be here helping you kick off a very important week for Well Done Fillet. Go get 'em.
Anonymous Boxer: I stole your red thing....hope you don't mind.....
Oh, you did you did you? Well, I think blog will alllll about YOU next week. OK, it won't and I am not worthy. :-)
P.S. - maybe I was drunkee when I wrote that comment.... what I mean to say is: Maybe MY blog will be all about you next week?
'Who is Trevor White?'
Indeed .
Anonymous Boxer: Drunk blogging eh? Never wise...
FMC: You must know who Mr Trevor White is...? eh? What do you know about our new hero?
Trevor White postures as a witless self-promoting prick. I don't think there's any substance beneath that slimy veneer. It's his USP.
He craves publicity of any kind and his main tactic is to allow racist or similarly offensive remarks to appear in his vomit-inducing publication.
Don't make the mistake of givng him an opportunity for self-promotion.
When you scratch the surface off White there's just more surface underneath.
Conan Drumm: I was very conflicted about what to do. I could have just walked away but I cant do that. I am aware that by doing this I am actually promoting his book. But I think I'm not sure how many people will want to buy his book by the end of the week.
*rubs hands together gleefully*
Possibly the comments he made in his book were simply big fat lies, made up so he'd sound funny and witty for the entirety of a book?
Wit, everyone thinks they posess it but not many do. keep up the good work manuel for it is a public service you perform. This guy reminds me of someone though... peter mandalson. A self obsessed idealist with nothing of substance to say but a love of saying nothing.
Why do you care what this tosser says on the radio or writes in his book?
Sure, he may have said a few derogatory comments about your profession, but hell, if I paid attention to every crap comment about my profession, I'd be suicidal.
Live and let live dude.
This guy will walk into the wrong restaurant some day......
Who is this dude with the creepy hairdo? I look forward to your opinions, Mr Manuel.
Yoyo: "Possibly"?
NIALL: There is a touch of the country about you me lad.....
Dave: Cant do it Dave, I just cant. Here hold my coat....
FreshBlade: You are just trying to wind me up......
Go get him Manuel, read his book for some slight chance of a reprieve, then of to the slaughter. Looking forward to the verdict.
Thank you sir. Yes IF I can get a copy of it I will "review" it here....
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