
Sunday 21 October 2007

After The Last Supper

As it's a Sunday and all that...



15 People trying to get Manuel's attention:

Is it just me? said...

God Bless the waiters..wonder if anyone came back later to demand the return of the wallet they dropped on the floor after the kosher wine?.

Megan McGurk said...

The second one's better because it's about real people.

Anonymous said...

My God, they've eaten practically everything, even the stale bread rolls. What absolute pigs! Though hang on, I only see one plate in the first picture. I think that waiter's just trying to look busy - he's picked up a pile of clean plates and he's carting them back to the kitchen. Gotcha!

ellie said...

Did you get any good tips?

Anonymous said...

Of course he did, that's what the other waiter's sweeping up - huge mounds of cash. Didn't think they were bread rolls, did you?

Jenny said...

Was there any left over wine?

ellie said...

Why 17 plates? Weren't there only 13 diners? Staff plates being smuggled back to the kitchen?

Anonymous said...

mmm, sacrilicious...

Anonymous said...

Also, this is the 1st time ive noticed, but is that a security camera just above and to the left of jeebus?
Cant trust them group bookings, ya know.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're right, that has to be a security camera. And it records the exact moment when the diners pocketed most of the silverware and several wine glasses. They really thought they'd got away with it....

Manuel said...

Is it just me?: Yeah took em 3 days...

Medbh: OOHHH Controversial......

Nick: Trying to look busy? Well I've never been so offended.....hehehehe

Boxer: NO! Scooped the lot of it!

Ellie: Nothing but a bloody pamphlet!

Ellie2: Nah Judas was ordering loads, said he was expecting a big bonus in the coming days.....

Sheepo: Homer?

Sheepo: You have to keep an eye on those sorts you know.....

Nick: Cheeky gets.....

Anonymous said...

Manuel: yup, the magic wit of a fat, jaundiced simpleton. No, not Julian Simmons.

Manuel said...


Manuel said...
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Anonymous said...

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