The hours between 3 and 8am are wasted with sleep
I'm so tired it's not true. I come home from work no later than 12am most nights. Anything after that and I turn in to a pumpkin. A raging, tantrum throwing, pumpkin. But then again you already knew that. Working nights has never been a problem for me, and it's still not. Staying up to 3 or 4 in the morning tweaking my blog babies is starting to have an effect though. I remember a friend saying "Oh watch yourself with that there blog thingy, it's as addictive as heroin." Little did I know that he was right, well to a point. I'm not at the granny robbing stage just yet, and I haven't had to sell the TV to pay this months broadband bill. I may sell it as I never watch it any more.
I left the house today for a total of 35 minutes. I went to the shop and bought microwavable food, tobacco, bottled water, and mints. I never left the Mac since then, apart from going to the toilet and to lock the door after a very disappointed and bored L.M.M went home.
The birth of my third blog child is proving to be more difficult than I first thought. I had opted for the home birth method (own domain) with a different midwife (Wordpress) but blog child number 3 refused to budge from the safety of it's conception chamber (my brain). So in a fit of fury I have had to opt for the painless epidural with gas and air back up that is Blogger. I worry that blog baby number 3 wont love me like a Wordpress blog baby would have. There will be no lovely plugins and widgets for it to play with. But I will love it all the same. I know there are worries that blog baby number 2 is being left alone to play by itself. But it will be fine once I get blog baby number 3 to feed itself and then I will be able to spend more time with it. If anyone has any tips on "reblogging" I would be very grateful.
Wordpress battered my brain and I just gave up. I just wanted to get on with blogging and making nice banners and the fun stuff like that. Plugins, widgets, css, and all that was just all too much like math for my liking. I'm a Blogger blogger and that's the way I'll stay until a bigger blogger shows me what to do.
I'm torn between a number of different names for the 3rd blog child. It will be a "grown up" blog with no swearing or bad photoshopped pictures that will cover the goings on in the Irish Hospitality Industry. My intention is that in time it will be a one stop shop for customers and those who work in the industry. Or it will kill me, whatever comes first.
So help an exhausted father of 2 and a bit blogs and vote for a name from the list in the poll for my new soon to be born blog child number 3. I can't promise I will use it, but I will consider it! If you think of something better leave it in the comments. I'm off to sleep now.......
...or not.
I left the house today for a total of 35 minutes. I went to the shop and bought microwavable food, tobacco, bottled water, and mints. I never left the Mac since then, apart from going to the toilet and to lock the door after a very disappointed and bored L.M.M went home.
The birth of my third blog child is proving to be more difficult than I first thought. I had opted for the home birth method (own domain) with a different midwife (Wordpress) but blog child number 3 refused to budge from the safety of it's conception chamber (my brain). So in a fit of fury I have had to opt for the painless epidural with gas and air back up that is Blogger. I worry that blog baby number 3 wont love me like a Wordpress blog baby would have. There will be no lovely plugins and widgets for it to play with. But I will love it all the same. I know there are worries that blog baby number 2 is being left alone to play by itself. But it will be fine once I get blog baby number 3 to feed itself and then I will be able to spend more time with it. If anyone has any tips on "reblogging" I would be very grateful.
Wordpress battered my brain and I just gave up. I just wanted to get on with blogging and making nice banners and the fun stuff like that. Plugins, widgets, css, and all that was just all too much like math for my liking. I'm a Blogger blogger and that's the way I'll stay until a bigger blogger shows me what to do.
I'm torn between a number of different names for the 3rd blog child. It will be a "grown up" blog with no swearing or bad photoshopped pictures that will cover the goings on in the Irish Hospitality Industry. My intention is that in time it will be a one stop shop for customers and those who work in the industry. Or it will kill me, whatever comes first.
So help an exhausted father of 2 and a bit blogs and vote for a name from the list in the poll for my new soon to be born blog child number 3. I can't promise I will use it, but I will consider it! If you think of something better leave it in the comments. I'm off to sleep now.......
...or not.
22 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
i should have known you were still awake, sugar!!!
I swear I'm living on 5 hours sleep a day.....
I'm too lazy and uninspired to have more than one blog, Manuel, but if you build it, they will come.
Myself included.
Off to vote.
Oh, I think "Irish Stewed" is an excellent name for a blog about the Irish hospitality business, btw.
I figured you just did a ton of drugs. Turns out, you're just a Blog Addict.
Really, Manuel... do you truly think you're ready for three?
i think you are probably doing the right thing here, start it on blogger and then move it to WP if necessary... moving a blog over to wp is easy as... i did it from here:
in january and its easy as.
is it worth it?
its not ideal, WP that is, but on the whole i spend more time blogging than tweaking... my problem is fidning the time to blog i have 2 loads of pictures still to go on from weeks ago
'cream crackered' or 'wait here until seated' or 'blogging out' or 'sex hoors from the planet of sex'
There I just did half yer work for you, next time wear a rubber, never mind what the pope says.
How about...
Would you like flies with that?
Waiter minute!
Garcon the front line
Care to see the whine list, madam?
Wait! I'm Patron-ising
The customer is not always bright
Heard of a chippy up the east somewhere called 'For Cod and Ulster' - maybe you could pilfer that?
Hmm, I'd go with Irish Stewed.
Here's some other suggestions, for differents styles of blog...
The mealy mouth
Feast or Famine
Recipes for Disaster
The Dumpling
Last Ordures
The Waiting Game
Epidural with gas and air? ..... only a Daddy blogger would consider it!
Medbh: Not sure about prolific, unless you mean at blowing wind....
Anonymous Boxer: Yes, yes I do. I always wanted a big blog family....
Toast: I wouldn't be bothered but I did lash out the cash on my own domain! Cheers for the advice the other day. istock is great, I mean really great...
Old Knudsen: More Snatchi & Snatchi please...cheques in the post....
Angela-la-la: Wait! I'm Patron-ising - I do like that..
Sheepo: Eh no. There is a chippy on the Lisburn road called Gucci. I'm not having that either....
Conan Drumm: "Hospitalitease' EH? Whats that all abbout? Waiters stripping but not getting totaly naked? Pervert....hehehhe
Ellie: No pain, no pain.......and no stretch marks either.....
Manuel: aye, that chippy used to be called "BJ's" with the tagline "for good taste". Always made me giggle.
Sheepo: That's very true...Wouldn't mind but they truly did suck......
Room Service might be more appropriate for a blog about hospitals, seeing as how we''re shipping some of our patients out to local hotels.
Glark, no sleep is a bit shit though, I get bouts of insomnia now and then that renders me more brain dead than usual. Not nice.
I know what you mean. Keeping up with the one is hard enough, especially now that Big Brother is operating at the old place of employment.
I'll vote. So far, this one's my favorite.
doncha hate leaks??
Manuel don't you think you're extending the Manuel brand a bit too far. I mean look what happened when Branson went into wedding dresses. I worry that the core Manuel brand - the one I know and love - will suffer.
Old Knudsen made me spit my coffee out.
FMC: even when I sleep I dream about blogs...might have to start a sleep blog...
Sassy: Awh thanks....
Finn: Shhhhhhhhh
Ms Robinson: You mean I'm like cherry Coke? Yikes!
Anonymous Boxer: He'd pay you spit you know......
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