I pulled on my fishnets and went out to work
Little Miss Manuel remarked "You're like a hooker with all that Subscribe in a reader stuff."
I replied with "I just want a commitment. I'm out there every night putting up with all the idiots and freaks. Is it too much to ask for some commitment?"
"Whore!" she said and left the room slamming the door behind her.
"Just some commitment..." I sighed as I applied some more lippy.
I pulled on my fishnets and went out to work...
And there I was, out on the street, for the hundredth time, just looking for a commitment.
If you enjoyed Manuel's 99 other posts you should Subscribe in a reader. If you don't it's like not leaving a tip. You wouldn't stiff Manuel on his tip would you?
100th post. Yippee...
26 People trying to get Manuel's attention:
Okay, you whore, I'm subscribing.
You're my first.
I like the "Strawberry Milk Shake" one personally, Manuel.
Medbh: I have no shame, none what so ever... "Strawberry Milk Shake" Which one was that?
I googled "Paul Bell Cow Painting" after reading your post and the 2nd or 3rd hit had a slideshow of his paintings, among which was the "Strawberry Cow" one.
Obi Cow kanobi, brilliant. His stuff is great eh? I have to pass a gallery every day on the way to work which has his work displayed. Makes me sad, I wanna take them home and feed them grass n hay n other cow stuff.
When we lived in Kansas, there was this cow market every friday that I drove past. I would see them being brought in on the road and I would yell from the car: "Sorry, cows! I don't eat you!"
But they're so dumb.
Yes, his work is good.
I do not understand this subscribe thing. I am not technically minded. Please explain.
Lets kill everyone on Saturday night: I honestly have no idea. But it makes me look good so go for it...It cant hurt
"I wanna take them home and feed them grass n hay n other cow stuff"
*hums tunelessly*
I want to shower you with sugar lumps and take you to the cow dentist
100th post? Oh my god, my waiter is growing up. I feel all emotional now. It just seems like yesterday.... by the way I'm not sure that lippy suits you - you should try some shocking cherry for a change.
Congrats on reaching the milestone.
I did add you to my reader straight away... in fact, I'm sorry it was added so quick... I tried to give it a bit longer, and even recited the 13 times table, but it was no good and I couldn't hang on...
I'm sorry. I don't subscribe to anybody. I just schlep around to each blog individually, which is probably contributing to global warming.
I wonder how big a Sparrow's carbon footprint actually is....?
Like Ms Sparrow, I prefer going to the websites, ratcheting up people's stats.
But I subscribed anyway when you said I was cheating on the mother of my children if I didn't.
You manipulative bitch.
I'll do that. It's item 14 on my to-do list. Honest. I'm gonna do it.
Meantime, that's a rockin bod you got there, son.
Fair play to you Manuel, and happy 100 birthday to you. You keep the ball rollin' no doubt.
Y;-) Paddy
I don't know how to subscribe. Hell, I haven't even figured out links. BUT, I likey your blog and I will ALWAYS visit.
Is that good enough?
Do you need more?
i will subscribe...as soon as i can figure out what damn shoes to pack..and even better wtf i'm wearing for the wedding..shoes, i mean
Beautiful picture. Wrong but beautiful nonetheless... which means I will come back, oh yes. Sod the subscribing, just hoor yourself and you will do just fine!
You're begging now ffs.
Tpast(the blogger formerly known as toast): Father Ted?
Conortje: You focus on the lippy, check my curves out!!
JamesUK: Thanks! When you have to subscribe , you just have to subscribe...
Fat Sparrow: And that's just fine by me...
JamesUK: Depends on the Sparrow..
Gimme: No drop and give me 20 or the puppy gets it...
WIO: You're back! I'm a really dirty girrrrlllll
Paddy: TA TA Paddy. I have to keep a ball rolling now to? It's all just too much...
Anonymous Boxer: That's all just sweet with me...
Savannah: Haven't you got better things to be at? Have fun!!
The Little Cheese: awh thanks, I like hooring myself...
lmm: Thank you for all your support darling...honest!
Lord Milky: You like it eh?!
oh and there'll be no more begging, well for a while at least...
Yer a blog for a good time but really I can't go taking you home.
Old K: Flirt!
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